lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Education and development

Even though I have already made some connections between education and development, now it is time to focus more on what really concerns us as future teachers. Knowing the link between development and the learning processes is essential to offer a proper education. 

When designing an activity, a lesson or even a school year, the implicates must take into account the development of the children. First of all, it is extremely important to be aware of their innate capacities. This means that, according to an specific age, a child has skills and competences acquired because of genetic reasons. Nevertheless, culture, social status, social interactions, economical position, ethnicity and gender are other elements that can influenciate our educational level. In this subject, we focus on the influences of the environment and the social relationship in the development of a child. 

The aim of education is the promotion of development. This development needs to take into account the previous development and knowledge of the child, trying to improve it to arrive to a further development. By doing this, the child will be progressively acquirin more skills and competences, that will not replace the previous one but it will complement them. Children, with development and the role of education in this growth, is to improve the capacities of a kid. 

Activities elapsed at school must satisfy the needs of the kid according to his development. In order to be differentiated from other activities such as the ones done with the family, have to follow some specific patterns. Another aspect from which educational activities are differentiated from the family activities is that in school activities are evaluated and the child has to fulfill a progress in order to be performing as expected. 

Educative activities must be planned, designes and developed with a clear educative intention. Most of the time, those activities take place is specific buildings created with an educative aim. A school or a faculty are evident examples of it. 

School activities are realized during a specific temporal space, which normally lastes eight or nine months. Knowledge is usually decontextualized meaning that children do not learn what is happening at the moment but what had already happened such as the French Revolution or the discovery of the Americas. 

There are some clear figures in charge of an educating role, and this person easily identified by the pupils. Teachers normally take this role. Their actions are working as a social mediator between the school context and the real context, recreating situations in order for kids will be able to apply the learned knowledge to the real world, and also has de roal to act as a change agent. Here we can observe another difference between school and family activities as in a the family context no one has this specific role to teach the kid. Also, at home, if the father is who normally helps the kid with his homework, this role can be changed when the father is out for a work meeting and during those days the mother has to help the child. In school, one person as a role which cannot change. 

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